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CrossFit Gym in Van Nuys, Los Angeles CA

What the Heck is an AMRAP?

Get Familiar With Our Lingo

General Terms

    CrossFit: Constantly varied, functional movements, performed at appropriately high intensities.
          Functional: natural, essential, multi-joint, core to extremity patterns that have the ability to move large loads, long distances, quickly           Intensity: independent variable most commonly associated with maximizing the rate of return for favorable adaptations
          Variance: provides increased capacity across a wide range of time and modal demands leading to a broad, general, inclusive fitness
Workout Of the Day

     GPP: General Physical Preparedness
     Rx’d: As prescribed; as written
     Scl'd: Scaled or modified one or several components of the workout

     PR (PB): Personal record/personal best     

     MetCon: Metabolic Conditioning workout
     Chipper: a series of movements, performed in succession, often higher reps and endurance focused

Workout Structure

     AMRAP: As Many Rounds/Reps as Possible

     EMOM: Every Minute On the Minute     
     RF(?): Rounds For

          FL: For Load
          FT: For Time
          FD: For Distance
          FR: For Reps

Conditioning Exercises

     Row: C2 RowErg
     Ski: C2 SkiErg
     C2: C2 BikeErg
     AB: Assault Bike
     EB: Rogue Echo Bike
     Run: Your Body ;P

     DU: Double Under
     Bur: Burpee
Gymnastic and Bodyweight Exercises

Lower Body
     AS: Air Squat
     SLS: Single Leg Squat (Pistol)
     GM: Good Morning
     BJ: Box Jump

Upper Body Pushes     
     PSU: Push Up
     HRPU: Hand Release Push Up

     HSPU: Handstand Push Up          
     WW: Wall Walk     
     Dip: Bench, Bar, Ring Dip

Upper Body Pulls     
     RR: Ring Row     
     PLU: Pull-Up     
     C2B: Chest-to-Bar Pull Up     
     BMU: Bar Muscle Up     

     RMU: Ring Muscle Up
     RC: Rope Climb
     KTE: Knees-to-Elbows

     TTB: Toes-to-Bar

Equipment Required

     AMSU: AbMat Sit-up
Glute ham developer used for sit-ups, hip extensions, back extensions, hip & back extensions, and glute-ham raises


Weightlifting Exercises

     Set(s): Number of sets of a given number of reps

     Rep(s): Repetition(s)
    (#)RM: Max load lifted at that number of repetitions

The Squats

     BS: Back Squat
     FS: Front Squat
Overhead Squat

The Presses

     BP: Bench Press
     SP: Strict (Shoulder) Press     
     PP: Push Press
     PJ: Push Jerk

     SJ: Split Jerk

The Pulls

     DL: Deadlift
     SDLHP: Sumo Deadlift High Pull

     CLN: Clean
Clean & Jerk

     SN: Snatch

          Starting Position Variations: Hover/Hang in low, traditional, high
          Finish Position Variations: Muscle, Power, Squat

Other Common Resistance Exercises

     THR: Thruster
     WB: Wall Ball
     KBS: Kettlebell (Dumbbell) Swings
     FC: Farmer Carry
     TGU: Turkish Get-Up


     KB: Kettlebell; which can be used for any of the above weightlifting movements

     DB: Dumbbell; which can be used for any of the above weightlifting movements
     BB: Barbell; which can be used for any of the above weightlifting movements